
harstemticker Harstem Ticker

React Redux and Expressjs visual interface for incoming subscriptions, donations, and bits on game streaming service

pokeball Pokedex

React Redux application pulling from local StarCraft II API, queries to MongoDB database to display unique opponent information like portrait, rating, description.

discord Discord Rank Bot

Nodejs application interfacing with discord responds to StarCraft rank queries. Used on over 100 discord servers, available here

sc2 StarCraft Tools in Python

Data Graphs - Renders plotly graphs from aggregated .SC2REPLAY files.
Replay Renamer - Renames recent StarCraft II replay files with game related information.
Statistics Recorder - Records winrates vs each matchup possibility during play.

node StarBot-TS

Written in typescript, this nodejs bot listens and responds to twitch chat events via the tmi.js library. It listens to twitch events such as subscriptions, custom chat commands, and the integrates the replay renamer and statistics recorder tools by a chat command call.